Sunday, September 13, 2015

Digital Blog Post #B - Chapter 2 - Use of technology and human touch.

While computers, among other digital tools, are there to support the instructional and administrative work of educators, it is important to set a balanced teaching method; one that uses technology to enhance education, yet it is linked to “old school”, warmer teaching. This is, in other words, the relationship between the following concepts: teaching philosophy, (technology) instructional practices, and (technology) administrative/professional activities.
Teaching philosophy is basically your personal view of effectiveness in the classroom. It ranges from student learning to classroom organization. From my observations in Collier County Public Schools’s elementary classrooms, and from reading Transforming Learning with New Technologies, I find acceptance and openness to be the base for successful results from students. To create a warmer environment, I wouldn’t just assign my students to do computer work. Instructional practices involve computer use and teacher-student interaction, such as subject discussions.
I have no doubt that contemporary professionals depend on computers for work management, however, as the software market grows rapidly, new programs and applications come out every day, and educators must stay up to date, which might be challenging for folks from older generations. Administrative/professional activities use of these tools are great for organization. I think students and teachers can benefit from discussing how a new application works. It leaves room for critical thinking, interaction, and peer observation and cooperation.
Again, I think it is extremely important to maintain a good balance between the use of technology and human touch, since both aspects add values and resources to our students.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job on creating a ToonDoo! :) Wasn't that fun? Can you imagine the fun learning that would happen if students created their own comics to summarize their learning? You do need to give credit to yourself for that creation in the Resources area - check out my sample blog an example.

    Please develop your reflections a bit more with depth and detail. For example, you mention that there is a need for balance between use of technology and not using technology - give examples, explore why there's a need for balance, etc.
