Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Digital Blog Post #H - Chapter 9 - Multimedia, PowerPoint, and videos in the classroom.

Lets talk about multimedia, PowerPoint, and videos in the classroom.
Multimedia in our textbook is defined as the use of visuals, text with audio, simulations or models, together with the spoken part of the classroom (p. 217). I find multimedia to be of great help; it wraps up the class structure, by helping with organization; and it serves as a learning and memorizing tool for students. I, for example, am a visual learner, and will retrieve information more effectively when learned with the support of visual media. 
PowerPoint, which has been around for decades now, play a huge part in this matter. Most classes displayed in a PowerPoint format. From my work experience with first graders, I can say that positive aspects of it is that the teacher can go back and forth as needed; and as a college student, I LOVE that I can go back to class material any time online. 
Moving forward, use of video in the classroom can be favorable, as long as the teacher chooses the right matter. I would review videos before presenting them to my students. Videos can be used to reinforce what has been taught. Videos can also transmit a message coming from a different voice, a different person, providing a second opportunity for the student to absorb the subject.

Watch this fun video, created by "dairelyr" (myself) in


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!! :) Love your Powtoon and that will certainly get your students' attention - you are rockin' with that digital tool creation. :) And, your reflective writing is right on target - you got it. :)
